Corporate Accountability
Our vision: There is no business in abuse. Australian companies respect human rights wherever they operate and are held accountable if they fail to do so.
Our focus

We work with partners and decision makers to improve Australia’s laws, policies and practices for ensuring businesses comply with international human rights standards, wherever they operate.

We support communities and individuals harmed by Australian corporate activities overseas to obtain justice and remedy by assisting them to take legal action in Australia.

We advocate for legal reforms to prevent Australian companies from profiting from forced labour in their supply chains and ensure they uphold workers’ rights.
What we’re working on

Key projects
Our Corporate Accountability team is currently working on these key projects
The Human Rights Law Centre is supporting communities in Bougainville to compel Rio Tinto to fund solutions to the environmental and human rights impacts of its former Panguna mine.
From Malaysian workers forced to work around the clock to make PPE, to migrant workers trapped in shocking conditions on Australian farms, many companies continue to turn a blind eye to exploitation and abuse in their supply chains. Our team advocates for stronger laws to end modern slavery.
The Human Rights Law Centre and Maurice Blackburn are supporting the Berati family in legal action to hold the Australian Government and G4S to account for Reza Berati’s murder at a Manus Island detention centre in 2014

Reports, news & explainers
Get the full story with our latest news and opinion pieces, human rights reports and explainers on key issues from our Corporate Accountability team
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For the Media