Defend human rights today

We’re in the midst of a democratic and human rights recession both here and overseas.

Your support is needed to push back.

More than just stopping the erosion of our rights, together we can advance the protection of human rights in Australia and create real and long-lasting change.

Today we’re launching our End of Financial Year Appeal. I’m asking you to stand up for human rights and make a tax deductible donation.

Our proven mix of strategic legal action and advocacy gets results.

Last month we used Victoria’s Human Rights Charter in the Supreme Court to overturn the Victorian Government’s punitive decision to lock up kids as young as 15 in a maximum security adult prison.

We went to the High Court to support the challenge against excessive anti-protest laws - because like you, we believe that the freedom to stand together and speak out on matters that we care about is an essential pillar of Australia’s democracy.

And working in partnership with Aboriginal organisations we launched an agenda-setting report highlighting the alarming rates at which Australian governments lock up Aboriginal women - tearing them from their families for things as minor as unpaid fines.

These are just three recent examples of our impact, all made possible thanks to the support of passionate people like you.

The Human Rights Law Centre is fiercely independent and we want to keep it that way. We need your support to speak out and take action when governments cross the line.

Please donate today and help spread the word about our EOFY Appeal.

Thanks for your support. 

Hugh de Kretser
Executive Director
Human Rights Law Centre
