Fearless action for a fair Australia – read our 2019 Annual Report

By Catherine Branson AC QC, Chair of the Board, Human Rights Law Centre

Today as we celebrate Human Rights Day, I am delighted to launch the Human Rights Law Centre’s Annual Report for 2019.

Our report outlines the important work we have undertaken to advance our vision of an Australia where everyone is free to lead a decent, dignified life; where our laws, policies and institutions promote fairness and equality; and where people and communities have the power to address inequality and injustice and ensure that governments always act in the public interest.
Our impact is only possible because of the support of people like you, standing up for human rights progress. You can support our work in 2020 by making a matched donation today to our Human Rights Week Appeal

2019 has been a challenging year for human rights. Both here and abroad, we have seen grave new threats that underscore the importance of action to defend human rights and the values we all care about, like freedom, equality, dignity and compassion.
In these times it is important not to lose sight of the progress we are making. Which is why I am more proud that ever to chair the board of the Human Rights Law Centre.

This year, the Centre’s legal action and advocacy has led to important change on pressing human rights issues from the crisis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ over-imprisonment, to our government’s ongoing mistreatment of refugees and people seeking asylum. You can read more about this work in the report.

Together with a group of key supporters, during our Human Rights Week Appeal, I have now pledged to match donations dollar-for-dollar up to $125,000.

This is a fantastic opportunity to double your support and be part of our impact making a real and lasting difference to human rights in Australia.

Thank you so much for standing up for human rights this year. We look forward to working for progress together in 2020.