HRLC Annual Report 2013/14
We’re very pleased to share our Annual Report 2013/14!
During 2013/14, using our strategic combination of legal action, advocacy, research and capacity building, we:
- launched a legal action to ensure women can safely access reproductive health services without being harassed and intimidated;
- brought vital transparency and accountability by participating in the PNG National Court’s inquiry into the human rights of asylum seekers on Manus Island;
- addressed the UN’s Human Rights Council on how Australia’s asylum seeker policies violate international law;
- established an unprecedented coalition of national organisations to tackle the shocking over-imprisonment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
- successfully argued in the High Court that the Federal Government has the power to pass laws for marriage equality;
- produced a groundbreaking report highlighting the dangers of Australia’s cooperation with the Sri Lankan military in the one-eyed pursuit of ‘stopping the boats’;
- made important contributions in a landmark High Court case that provided legal recognition of the reality of gender diversity in our society;
- secured the commitment of the Victorian Government to erase the criminal records of homosexual men convicted for consensual sex prior to decriminalisation;
- worked to expose Australia’s role in extrajudicial killings by the USA’s drone program;
- played a leading role in retaining strong and effective protections against racial vilification;
- contributed to numerous law and policy reform processes and parliamentary inquiries;
- generated more than 370 mainstream media appearances taking a message of the importance of human rights to a wide audience.
We were only able to do all this, and more, because of the generous support of people like you who are passionate about promoting and protecting human rights in Australia and beyond.
Thank you!
Download your copy here: HRLC Annual Report 2013/14