Submission to Inquiry into Vexatious Litigants

In April 2008 the Victorian Parliament Law Reform Committee released an issues paper calling for public submissions into its inquiry on vexatious litigants.  The terms of reference for this inquiry included an examination of the efficacy of current vexatious litigant legislation.  Since 1928 only 14 people have been declared vexatious litigants in Victoria. The Centre, together with the Public Interest Law Clearing House, provided a Joint Submission to the Vexatious Litigants inquiry outlining that the current vexatious litigant laws under section 21 of the Supreme Court Act 1986 (Vic) strike the correct balance between the right to access the courts and the need to protect other parties and the justice system from vexatious litigation.

Download the joint HRLC/PILCH submission here.