Freedom of Religion: Submission to Commission of Inquiry in Samoa MichelleBennett31 March 2010Democratic Freedoms
Police and Human Rights: Submission on Victoria’s Integrity and Anti-Corruption System MichelleBennett11 March 2010Police, Human Rights Law & Institutions
Parliamentary Scrutiny and the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights MichelleBennett9 March 2010Human Rights Law & Institutions
Equality Rights: A Human Rights Approach to Income Management MichelleBennett12 February 2010Discrimination & Equality
Indigenous Rights: Proposed Amendments to the Northern Territory Intervention MichelleBennett1 February 2010Indigenous Rights, Discrimination & Equality
Housing Rights: Submission on the Adequacy of Public Housing in Victoria MichelleBennett25 January 2010Housing
Human Rights safeguards seeded under Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Bill (Jan 2010) MichelleBennett21 January 2010Health
Enhancing Democracy: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Electoral Reform MichelleBennett20 December 2009Democratic Freedoms
ICCPR: Implementation of the Human Rights Committee’s Concluding Observations MichelleBennett27 November 2009United Nations
Disability Rights: Discrimination and Migration Law MichelleBennett24 November 2009Disability & Mental Health, Refugee & Asylum Seeker Rights
Police Powers: Summary Offences and Search Legislation Must be Amended to Ensure Human Rights Compatibility MichelleBennett20 November 2009Police
Housing Rights and the Meaning of 'Public Authority': Metrowest Housing v Sadi MichelleBennett27 October 2009Housing
Submission on Compulsory Acquisition of Alice Springs Town Camps MichelleBennett27 October 2009Indigenous Rights, Discrimination & Equality
Submission on the 5-year Review of the ACT Human Rights Act MichelleBennett26 October 2009Human Rights Law & Institutions
Women's Rights: Submission on Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace MichelleBennett26 October 2009Discrimination & Equality, Women’s Rights
Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights: Submission to National Security Legislation Review MichelleBennett1 October 2009Counter-terrorism, Human Rights Law & Institutions
Right to Protection and Obligation of Non-Refoulement: Submission on Complementary Protection Bill MichelleBennett28 September 2009Refugee & Asylum Seeker Rights
Counter-Terrorism: Submission on Anti-Terrorism Laws Reform Bill MichelleBennett17 September 2009Counter-terrorism, Prisoner Rights
Equality and Indigenous Rights: Submission on Draft Alice Springs (Management of Public Space) Bylaws MichelleBennett31 August 2009Discrimination & Equality, Indigenous Rights
Submission regarding Proposed Extradition and Mutual Assistance Reforms MichelleBennett31 August 2009Foreign Policy, Human Rights Law & Institutions
Housing Rights: Submission to Australian Parliament on Homelessness Legislation MichelleBennett28 August 2009Housing
Equality Rights: Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee on Marriage Equality MichelleBennett27 August 2009Discrimination & Equality, LGBTI Rights
Equality Rights: Submission to UN Committee on Racial Discrimination regarding draft General Comment on 'Special Measures' MichelleBennett21 August 2009Discrimination & Equality, United Nations
Refugee Rights: Submission to Inquiry into Immigration Detention MichelleBennett3 August 2009Refugee & Asylum Seeker Rights
Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights: Submission on National Security Legislation Monitor Bill MichelleBennett28 July 2009Counter-terrorism
Submission to SARC Inquiry into Exceptions and Exemptions under the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 MichelleBennett10 July 2009Discrimination & Equality
OP-ICESCR: Australia Can Provide International Leadership and Ratify OP-ICESCR MichelleBennett6 July 2009Human Rights Law & Institutions
Parliamentary Scrutiny of Human Rights: Submission to Standing Committee on Procedure+ MichelleBennett1 July 2009Human Rights Law & Institutions
Privacy Rights: Submission to VLRC Inquiry into Surveillance in Public Places MichelleBennett26 June 2009Privacy
National Human Rights Consultation: Submission on a Human Rights Act for All Australians (May 2009) SubmissionsMichelleBennett15 June 2009Human Rights Law & Institutions